Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thing 2

We know time is always an issue--Stephen Abram shares some ideas on where to find the time for 23 Things. Where will you find the time?
Good question. As Stephen says, make it a priority to learn. If I can find 15 minutes to take a break (not usually), I should be able to do this!

Why are you participating in 23 Things On a Stick? What do you hope to learn?
I like to learn new things and really hate it when people are talking about this or that and I haven't experienced it. I hope to learn about the 23 things, some of which I know but can learn more.

How has the Internet and the vast resource it can be affected your use of time at work and/or at home?
So how did we live without it? I would say it has affected my time in that I can do more with less time or in less time? On the other hand, it is hard to limit yourself as your click on this link and then that link and then the link over there.

Where are you in your knowledge and use of Web 2.0 tools? How about your library?
What are you looking forward to in 23 Things On a Stick?
Looking at the list I am probably almost half way there. Our library has done most of it and is looking at more. I want to learn more about LibraryThing and maybe use it for my church library's collection.


Mollie Pherson said...

Woo Hoo! Glad to see you have joined Round 2 of 23 Things on a Stick! Have fun along the way and remember there will be prizes to all who complete the program by September 15th. Enjoy!

Mollie from SELCO

Unknown said...

I'm glad you jumped in on Round 2 of 23 Things on a Stick. Good luck, learn lots, have fun!